when user open hiling site, for the firstime frontend or web send an user ip address to server(why ? so they don't have multiple accounts on 1 device, ofc we can limit the thing but i think having 1 account per device is good practice so user not abusing) after that they gonna the page, if they navigate to the homepage they gonna see the index page
from there user can click the locations, login, see another user reviews or any other acitivites
user can submit user review/rating without login since the system already save user ip address but the user cant see about their reviews, likes, or saved location, user have to login first to see about user reviews, likes, saved location, following etc etc

OK, so if user want to submit a location it has go through process where moderator approved the submition then it's live, and it gotta mention people who contributes, mf are neanderthals